The BinMaster C-100 control console provides level and volume data outdoors at ground level with the push of a button. It is simple to add to a network of up to 120 SmartBob cable-based sensors mounted on bins, tanks or silos. The C-100 control console and the C-100 MB with Modbus Communications feature a 24-V d.c. power supply and a NEMA 4X rating for resistance against windblown dust and rain. Consoles are often installed near load-out areas for access from trucks or at ground level for worker walk-up use. The newly updated consoles offer a wide range of measurement units, including feet or cubic feet, U.S. gallons or bushels, and tons or metric tons. Additionally, users can select the measurement type as product or headroom and measurement format in pounds, tons or kilograms. — BinMaster, Lincoln, Neb.